As one of the leading cigar specialists, we are dedicated to providing the ultimate immersion into the world of cigars. With nearly 23 years of expertise and a commitment to unrivalled customer service, we have become the premier destination for aficionados to find everything they need and more. Our comprehensive selection of Cuban Havana cigars and other renowned brands from around the world ensures cigar connoisseurs find the perfect blend and flavour to satisfy any taste. Moreover, we provide an array of additional products, including an astounding variety of cigar humidors, cigar gifts, stylish accessories, and select spirits. We also offer a range of cigar samplers and single cigars for those who want to experiment with different brands, flavours, and aromas. So, whether you are a novice or a cigar aficionado, we invite you to come to explore our world of cigars and discover the ultimate smoking experience.
Quality guaranteed
We take great pride in our cigars. All of our Cuban cigars are acquired through Habanos SA, which is responsible for distributing cigars worldwide and ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality and authenticity. In the UK, this role is a critical role in monitoring the quality of every single cigar before they reach our shelves. However, we go even further than that, as our cigars must also undergo a rigorous inspection to ensure that they meet our strict quality standards. This involves checking their weight, ring gauge, length, colour, rolling quality, and whether or not they have a perfect cap. Once they have passed all of these checks, they are safely stored in one of our walk-in humidors until they are ready to be enjoyed by customers like you. With us, we believe that only the very best cigars deserve to be smoked by true aficionados like you!
Excellent service
At Simply Cigars, we are committed to providing our customers with the best cigars. Our expert team deeply understands the complexities of the cigar industry, and they are trained to be knowledgeable and helpful on all matters related to cigars. Whether offering advice or identifying product defects, our team can meet your needs with expertise and professionalism. And even if you are unsatisfied with one of our cigars for any reason, we guarantee a replacement or a refund.
Our mission is to ensure that every cigar-lover is fully satisfied with their experience at Simply Cigars. We go out of our way to ensure that our cigars are well packaged, so they arrive in top condition within 3-5 business days or next-day delivery to any UK mainland address. We also provide a worldwide delivery service for those who want to enjoy our cigars wherever they may be. So if you’re looking for cigars that are sure to impress, look no further than Simply Cigars!
For the seasoned cigar aficionado on the hunt for an unforgettable smoke or the newcomer with a developing palate, We are the place for an extraordinary smoking experience. Our dedicated staff of cigar experts has gathered a gigantic, unrivaled inventory of fine cigars, accessories like humidors and lighters, as well as domestic/imported pipe tobacco to accommodate your distinct tastes.
So how can JR Cigar assist you on your quest to the perfect smoke? Well, it’s pretty simple:
- Affordability. 99% of the time, you’ll find the cigar(s) and items you want at the lowest prices on the web. We’d love to say 100% of the time, but that’d be an impossible lie – and true gentlemen aren’t liars.
- Selection. We sell just about every domestic and imported, machine-made and hand rolled cigar from 5¢ to $50.00 apiece. Choose from singles, samplers, tins and boxes from top brands.
- Convenience. Our online shopping cart makes it incredibly easy to modify, add and/or remove items from your order any time you want.
- Support. If you know exactly what type of cigar you want – or have absolutely no idea where to begin – our Cigar Search will pinpoint your taste and set you on the right path.
- Auctions. Participate in our routine cigar auctions to bid on your favorite brands and bask in the thrill of a steal.
- Speed. When you submit an order by 3:00pm ET Monday through Saturday, it will be shipped out that very day – guaranteed. This is ensures freshness and a quick delivery.
- Shipping Rates. You can expect 100% free shipping on some of JR’s most popular brands. And if your favorite isn’t free, don’t worry – it’s just $8.99.
- Automatic Shipping. Sign up for our Auto Ship and have your favorite smokes delivered right to your door automatically – at no extra charge. It’s easy as signing up, choosing your brand and deciding on a preferred, recurring delivery date.
It comes down to you – your experience, your convenience, your budget and your satisfaction. We’ve got years of cigar knowledge under our belt and we’re happy to share it in order to help guide you on that invigorating, sense-seducing adventure that is enjoying a cigar.